Encouraging Good Behavior

The first step to better discipline is to learn to encourage good behavior in your child. It is much easier to reinforce good behavior than to have to try and change bad behaviors. Here are some tips for encouraging better behavior:

Reinforce good behavior by offering praise when he does well and learn to pay positive attention to your child. Children seek approval for the things that they do, especially from their parents. Let your child know if he is following the rules or has done something, or made an effort to do something that you wanted. Give him a hug, kiss or smile if he has been sitting quietly, completes a chore without problems, or is playing cooperatively. Also give verbal signs of approval, such as ‘Great Job,' or ‘I like it when you…' Be sure to comment on specific behaviors or actions.

Give him choices. This allows your child some feeling of independence. For example, offer a choice between setting the table or taking out the trash.

Make good behavior fun. Your child is more likely to comply if he is enjoying himself. For example, say ‘let's see who can pick up the most toys.'

Establish a reward system to promote good behavior.

article from www.keepkidshealthy.com


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